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Few things to keep in mind while working from home

Few things to keep in mind while working from home

Arobit Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

It is very easy to lose focus when your workspace is not a professional one and your family is around you, but a little bit of discipline and some tips can make sure you can produce as much work possible while staying in the comfort of your homes.

What you need to do - Some helpful things to keep in mind


Create a space devoted to work-

Look for a comfortable spot in the house if you don’t already have a study table, maybe shift it to another spot where there is enough sunlight and is comfortable and spacy enough for you to sit for a long time.


Plan out your work using task managers-

Before you start working make sure that you have a planner as to what tasks you have to complete for the day. Make use of several task managers on your phone or computer so that you can avoid losing focus and wasting your time trying to figure out what you have to do next.


Maintain a definitive working hour-

The task planners must be followed judiciously and to finish your work within the specified time you must strictly maintain your working hours and divide the most gruesome tasks to the time of the day when you are most productive. Conclude and start your work within a specific time to maintain a consistent routine.


Don’t allow yourself the social media indulgence-

Social media detox is absolutely necessary unless your work is related to it. If you find yourself subjected to the never-ending scroll on your newsfeed you can employ certain apps that restricts your access to social media, however, self-control is an absolute.


Request to no be disturbed-

Personifying your home as a workplace can be crucial especially if you have company at home. Hence you can request not to called out or disturbed unless absolutely necessary to ensure no distractions.


Effectively communicate with your colleagues-

if your work is something which is not a one-man operation and requires several people which was quite easy in the office, then video conferencing, phone calls, messages etc.  can be your best friend. Several apps like Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams etc. can be used judiciously to conduct meetings, work together and much more. In fact, apps like these also allow you to work together using a real-time feature.


Avoid remaining in solidarity-

An official workspace allows you to interact with colleagues and co-workers, which can easily be dodged out when you’re at home. Hence make sure you stay interactive with other people to retain your sanity.


Maintain a definitive working hour-

The task planners must be followed judiciously and to finish your work within the specified time you must strictly maintain your working hours and divide the most gruesome tasks to the time of the day when you are most productive. Conclude and start your work within a specific time to maintain a consistent routine.


Take timely intervals-

Breaking your workflow might not seem to be a good idea, however, getting off your desk and taking a walk can allow you to re-focus which is very essential to stay attentive and clear-headed.


Above all, it's your own self that has to understand and get accustomed to the culture of work from home - understand the need of the company and their clients and help them achieve their goals.


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